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This gallery will feature photos from Carson City's floods. Some photos will be landscape-only and no flood, but that is because they were taken on the way to or back from where I took the flood photos.
Mexican DitchMexican DitchMexican DamMexican DamA photo taken along the Carson River Trail by Glenn Franco Simmons.A photo taken along the Carson River Trail by Glenn Franco Simmons.A photo taken along the Carson River Trail by Glenn Franco Simmons.A photo taken along the Carson River Trail by Glenn Franco Simmons.A photo taken along the Carson River Trail by Glenn Franco Simmons.A photo taken along the Carson River Trail by Glenn Franco Simmons.Mexican DamMexican DamMexican DamMexican DitchMexican DitchMexican DamFlood at Moffat Open Space in Carson City photographed by Glenn Franco Simmons.20230310_115259 copyMoffat Open Space FloodCarson River at flood stage at Mexican Dam.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Carson City, Carson River, Carson River Park, Empire Ranch, Nevada, flood, floods, photo, photograph, photographer, photographs, photos