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Keywords:Airport Road, California Trail, Carson City, Carson City Wetlands, Carson City hike, Carson City hikes, Carson City walk, Carson City walks, Lompa Ranch, South Saliman, closed gates, cows, gates, horses, open gates
Photos of Carson City's California Trail by Glenn Franco Simmons.

California Trail

Part of the once-huge Lompa Ranch is still an active horse and cattle ranch. Along Carson City's California Trail, there is a short section of the trail with gates on each end of the section to prevent cattle and horses from wandering ranchland and onto the trails.

With the Fairview Street trail extension, there is now a possibility cattle or horses could make their way to Fairview and then onto I-580, if gates are left open.

In the past week (April 2023), I have seen cyclists leave the gate open twice and a pedestrian once. In March, I came upon the gates open several times.

Please close the gates, ensure they are latched. If you cannot latch them, please contact the city of Carson City, public works, parks and rec of the Carson City Sheriff's Department on the non-emergency line.

I cannot tell you how upsetting it is to actually see people leave the gate open, especially when cattle are between the gates, moving from one field to the other, and through the water in the small creek that runs alongside the trail.

It's worse when there are calves.