Carson River Park High WaterCarson River Park was a site to see this past week as warm weather and rain melted more of the Sierra snowpack and filled the Carson River from bank to bank. Carson River Park was a site to see this past week as warm weather and rain melted more of the Sierra snowpack and filled the Carson River from bank to bank.
As you can see by the photo above, the popular bench at the river's edge was nearly under water.
Carson River Park High WaterCarson River Park was a site to see this past week as warm weather and rain melted more of the Sierra snowpack and filled the Carson River from bank to bank. The water was moving much faster than in March, when I photographed the same area, and I believe the water level may have been higher.
When I photographed it on May 24, it appeared that the water had gone down a little from previous days, by water marks on trees downstream at the Morgan Mill boat ramp.