Minor Flooding At Riverview Park

April 26, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

With the Sierra Nevada snowpack melting, the Carson River has been swollen and at flood state, with various warnings issued by the National Weather Service in April cautioning residents of high water and minor flooding.

Even as I write this on April 26, there is yet another current warning of flooding. On April 17, I hiked around Riverview Park and the Carson River came over its banks in several places, but remained within them in other locations.


The trails are in fairly good condition, except where this winter's flooding damaged them. However, it's easy to bypass the torn-up trails and/or muddy areas.

In some areas, willows and sage brush were swept away, especially in the area where the last segment from Riverview Park to the Empire Mill boat access begins. You can go off-trail there onto smaller trail and out to the river. City crews do a good job keeping the trails in tip-top shape, so I imagine it won't be long before they repair the damage. The flooding has to subside first, I would think.


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