Before the flooding on March 10, 2023, the gates on the California Trail were both unlocked. As soon as the flooding subsides, the trail will be accessible once again.
Previously, for at least a week, one of the pedestrian gates was locked and you had to climb over it or over the barbed wire or return where you came from. Perhaps it was an oversight when there was a risk of flooding earlier.
That said, it was a minor inconvenience.
California Trail In Carson CityPlease make sure the gates are closed and latched.
What is not minor are unlatched gates, which I have encountered numerous times in the three years I've walked the trail.
In cold, icy weather, it can be difficult to latch the eastern gate because of the type of mechanism it has. If you are unable to latch it, please contact Carson City public works or parks or someone and tell them you were unable to latch the gate.
When I latched it on March 8, there were cows grazing very close to the gate. With the new trail from Fairview, there is no gate to stop a wayward cow from going up that trail to Fairview and possibly even Interstate 580.
Or, a cow or cows could make their way toward the wetlands and Airport Drive.
California Trail In Carson CityThe California Trail in Carson City stretches, in part, from South Saliman to Airport Road. It's a beautiful area to walk any time of year, even along I-580.
It's a beautiful area to walk any time of year, even along I-580. Just bring some headphones, tune out the busy interstate traffic and check out the birds in the reeds along the waterway.
Be responsible. Using that trail is a privilege, as it goes through an active ranch with horses and cattle. Show some respect for the ranching family that has worked with the city to make using the California Trail possible.
Gotta hand it to the city whose crews keep the trail plowed and free of snow. It is a pleasure to be able to use this trail system. They do an excellent job.
Views from the trail are spectacular, especially when there is snow.