Dhammapada Says Love Is A Universal Law

October 25, 2023  •  Leave a Comment
In this world, hatred has never been defeated by hatred. Only love can overcome hatred. This is an ancient and eternal law.” ~ Dhammapada 1:5 (from the public-domain Wiki Dhammapada).
“The Dhammapada is a canonical Buddhist text,” according to AI-Pro. “However, it’s important to note that translations might vary somewhat depending on the source. This verse from the Dhammapada, a collection of the Buddha’s teachings, encapsulates one of the central tenets of Buddhism: the power of love and compassion in overcoming negativity.”
The verse I use in my art is from the public-domain Wikisource translation.
“‘In this world, hatred has never been defeated by hatred,’ drives home the point that responding to hatred with more hatred only breeds more of the same,” according to AI-Pro. “It perpetuates a cycle of negativity, resentment, and violence that causes suffering. There is a fundamental belief that using hatred as a tool to combat hatred doesn't resolve conflict, but instead, escalates it.
Dhammapada 1:5 illustrated by Glen Franco Simmons with a water lily photo.Dhammapada 1:5In this world, hatred has never been defeated by hatred. Only love can overcome hatred. This is an ancient and eternal law.
~ Dhammapada 1:5.

From the public-domain Wiki Dhammapada. Photo is copyrighted.
“‘Only love can overcome hatred’ emphasizes the transformative power of love and compassion. Instead of reacting with further anger or hatred, responding with love and kindness can dissipate hostility and promote understanding and cooperation. This concept of love is not simply romantic or affectionate love, but a deeper, all-encompassing compassion for others. As the antidote to hatred, love can heal wounds and mend relationships.
“‘This is an ancient and eternal law’ is a phrase that conveys that the principle of love overcoming hatred is timeless and universal,” AI-Pro continued. “Just like the laws of physics govern the material world, this ‘law’ of love and hatred is seen as an underlying, enduring truth of human interactions and the psychological world. It has always been and will continue to be relevant, regardless of the era or circumstances.”
Dhammapada 1:5 illustrated by Glen Franco Simmons.Dhammapada 1:5In this world, hatred has never been defeated by hatred. Only love can overcome hatred. This is an ancient and eternal law.
~ Dhammapada 1:5.

From the public-domain Wiki Dhammapada. Photo courtesy of NASA. Photo use does not imply NASA's endorsement of such use.
In my own faith, it is my understanding that when a thought of war occurs in the world, or news of one, one should think about and pray for peace. While the results of prayer often are not discernible to humans, prayers for peace surely cannot hurt, for those who are religious and believe in God.
“In essence, the verse teaches us the importance of countering negative emotions with positive ones,” AI-Pro noted. “It encourages acting with love and compassion in all situations, and discourages retaliation with hatred or malice.”


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