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Subcategory Detail:Vintage
Keywords:1913 Chalmers, 1913 Chalmers Model 18 Touring, F-head engine, Glenn Franco Simmons, Glenn Franco Simmons, Maxwell Car Co., National Cash Register Co., Nethercutt Collection, Nethercutt Museum, Nethercutt photos, Sylmar, The Nethercutt Collection, Thomas-Detroit Car Co., classic car photography, classic car photos, classic car pics, compressed air starter, electric headlamps, free car photos, free car pics, free photos, oil-electric side lamps, oil-electric tail lamps, photos of Nethercutt, photos of classic cars, pics of classic cars, pics of free car photos
The Nethercutt Collection

1913 Chalmers Model 18 Touring

This 1913 Chalmers Model 18 Touring car was photographed at The Nethercutt Collection in Sylmar, Calif.

“Chalmers were named after Hugh Chalmers of the National Cash Register Co.,” according to a vehicle summary provided by The Nethercutt Museum.

Chalmers purchased the Thomas-Detroit Car Co. in 1907 and changed its name to his own.

“This car has a six-cylinder, 54 bhp F-head engine, and the body is one of six different variations built on the same Model 18 chassis,” according to Nethercutt.

“It was found in unrestored original condition in a garage just a few blocks from the J.B. Nethercutt premises in Sylmar, where it had been hidden away for more than 30 years. The car has only 9,800 miles on the clock.”

This car’s price when new was $2,400 in 1913 dollars. Its 446.8-cubic-inch F-head engine had topped out at 54 hp.

“The 1913 Chalmers was a real transition model,” according to Nethercutt. “The car is equipped with a compressed air starter, but has an electric generator for electric headlamps and combination oil-electric side and tail lamps.

“The following year, 1914 Chalmers followed the rest of the industry and offered an efficient electric starter, moved the drive from right-hand to left and moved the shifting mechanism to the center from left. The 1913 Chalmers was the end of an automotive era.”

“In 1920, with many car companies in difficulties, the Chalmers Co. joined forces with the Maxwell Car Co., which in turn later became a Chrysler subsidiary. The last Chalmers’ car rolled off the production line in 1923.”